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Article title: Solgar Evening Primrose Oil 1300mg 30softgels

Solgar Evening Primrose Oil 1300mg 30softgels

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Solgar Evening Primrose Oil 1300mg 30softgels

SOLGAR Evening Primrose Oil 1300mg is a rich source of active linoleic acid, gamma linolenic acid (10% GLA), oleic acid and other essential fatty acids from evening primrose oil. It is designed to meet the needs of the female body and more specifically to help treat the symptoms during menstruation and menopause while at the same time, it has excellent benefits for the cardiovascular and nervous system.

Cold-pressed evening primrose oil * contained in SOLGAR Evening Primrose Oil 1300mg:

Helps to treat premenstrual symptoms and especially mastodynia
Helps treat menopausal disorders such as hot flashes, cramps
Enhances the secretion of sex hormones
Protects and enhances the health of the cardiovascular and nervous systems
It is ideal for:

Women of childbearing potential, especially during menstruation
Mature women going through the menopause phase
* Cold pressing is a method of distilling ingredients, such as to maintain their action as much as possible.

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