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Article title: Solgar Thermogenic Complex with Svetol 60caps

Solgar Thermogenic Complex with Svetol 60caps

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Solgar Thermogenic Complex with Svetol 60caps

SOLGAR Thermogenic Complex is a pioneering formula of 8 plant elements that acts supportively in weight control and the most effective reduction of fat. Thermogenesis has been shown to be one of the key factors contributing to the regulation of metabolism. Numerous studies have shown the calorific value of several natural ingredients, some of which are contained in the formula of the Thermogenic Complex. Svetol, the main substance contained in Thermogenic Complex is a patent product with active ingredient Chlorogenic Acid (polyphenol) derived from green coffee of a special variety without caffeine. In addition, it contains methionine, choline and inositol, ingredients that help the liver function better, green tea and cayenne pepper that act as an adjunct to fat burning. The formula is supplemented by chromium, which helps regulate normal blood glucose levels, and black pepper, which increases the body's burning.

The ingredient formula of SOLGAR Thermogenic Complex:

Contributes to more efficient fat burning and increases the rate of burning
Helps in better liver function
Provides better utilization of carbohydrates
Helps maintain normal blood glucose levels
It is ideal for:

People who want to maintain control of their weight

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