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Article title: Scitec Nutrition 100% Plant Protein Banana Vanilla 900gr

Scitec Nutrition 100% Plant Protein Banana Vanilla 900gr

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Scitec Nutrition 100% Plant Protein Banana Vanilla 900gr

Scitec Nutrition 100% Plant Protein Banana Vanilla 900gr. Pea Protein is among the top vegetable proteins in terms of nutritional value. According to scientific results, the profile of essential amino acids makes it ideal for human consumption. The appearance of specific amino acids associated with sports nutrition is excellent. With excellent Glutamine, Lysine and BCAA content it is comparable even to whey protein, while Arginine is amazing, much better than whey! The digestion of pea protein is very high, studies in humans have shown a digestibility of around 98%. As a plus, this protein effectively suppresses hunger by slow digestion and acting directly on satiety factors. 100% Plant Protein is based on one of the best, most pure raw materials: the Belgian isolated pea protein Pisane is from a local cultivation of yellow pea. It is completely natural and without GMA (Genetically Modified Organisms) with a protein content of almost 90%! The extraction is based on a unique method of aqueous process of inorganic solvents or hexane. Not everyone can tolerate protein from animal sources, especially milk protein. For them, our 100% Plant Protein offers a solution. However, even if you do not have any problems with animal proteins this pea protein formula can be a good supplement. It is highly recommended that you change your protein sources at regular intervals (eg one week of whey, one week of peas, etc.). As it is creamy and sweet, you can make a delicious drink with 100% Plant Protein, its aroma and the feeling in our mouth is excellent. Providing 21 grams of high quality protein per serving, it is both an excellent pre-workout energy boost and a post-workout muscle recovery drink. The protein in this product contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass, and also to the maintenance of normal bones!

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