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Article title: Power Health Classics Platinum Zinc Plus C 30caps

Power Health Classics Platinum Zinc Plus C 30caps

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Power Health Classics Platinum Zinc Plus C 30caps

Zinc is one of the most important trace elements in our body as it is essential for the proper functioning of every cell. Power Health Classics Platinum Zinc Plus C combines the unique benefits of zinc with those of vitamin C for even better results. Also, the trace element of zinc is in the form of absorbable salt salt to ensure its maximum absorption.

The formula of Zinc Plus C includes zinc which:

It contributes to the normal metabolism of acids and bases. *
Contributes to the normal metabolism of carbohydrates. *
Contributes to normal cognitive function. *
It contributes to the normal synthesis of DNA. *
Contributes to normal fertility and reproduction. *
It contributes to the normal metabolism of macronutrients. *
Contributes to the normal metabolism of fatty acids. *
Contributes to the normal metabolism of vitamin A. *
It contributes to the normal synthesis of proteins. *
Helps maintain normal bone condition. *
Helps maintain normal hair and skin condition *.
It helps maintain normal blood testosterone levels. *
Helps maintain normal vision. *
It plays a role in the process of cell division. *
Zinc along with vitamin C:

They contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system. *
They help protect cells from oxidative stress. *
* The above are official health claims by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

The Zinc Plus C Dietary Supplement is suitable for:

Those who are not fed properly
Men who need toning
Those who are very tired

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